Ranboo Lovemail!

this account will be for ranboo lovemail/appreciation from both me and others! the goal of this account is to put a little positivity on your tl in honor of our beloved. expect /pos tweets about ranboo almost daily! additional info about lovemail can be found in the lovemail section. updates, art/writing prompts, puns, and more will also be a part of this account.

we also like/retweet ranboo fanwork(art, edits, animatics, cosplay, etc.), so be sure to use the appropriate tags when posting!

i will post my own lovemail weekly to biweekly. my schedule may be inconsistent due to the fact that i actually go outside sometimes!
feel free to send us lovemail in dms, we'll try to post it if we can! lovemail has a max character count of 350(subject to change) and can be anonymous or unanonymous. i have the right to reject anything, just use common sense when sending.

we will be posting song recommendations from bootwt for bootwt! just dm us with your song recommendation and we'll post it when we can! we may or may not put the songs on a playlist on youtube and spotify. we have the right to reject a song.

we will be doing giveaways every couple of months or so! we will primarily be giving away ranboo subs and maybe merch if it's within our budget. more information will be given when the time comes, so keep an eye out for that!

we only have one admin! referring to ourselves as "us" and "we" is just a habit, as this account is run by only one person. with that being said, please be understanding of any potential inconsistencies. it is unlikely that we look for any more admins.

> pronouns?

any pronouns are good. i currently do not have a preference.

> age?

i am a minor(high school student).

> birthday?

not today.

> will this be an updates account?

not necessarily. we will post major and hype/exciting updates, but we will not update on everything. updates will be mainly from stuff revealed/said on-stream and ranmail.

> how often can lovemail be sent?

as long as you don't spam, lovemail can be sent as often as you'd like.

> other interests?

rhythm games(bandori/project sekai) and personality theory! i also had a vocaloid obsession for 4 years.

• i have a hard time expressing myself and understanding tone through text. please let me know if i'm not being clear. i appreciate using tone indicators when necessary.

• i'm a top student in my school, so some days I may not be very active as I take schoolwork/extracurriculars very seriously! during the final exams period, i may just disappear. i assure you i'm fine, just very busy.

• i use light mode for most things since it's what i'm used to and helps me see some things better. try not to point it out please!

• i often do not use apostrophes when typing. i try to use them on more official things(like this carrd), but if i don't use one don't point it out please!

• i prefer to not be asked about my gender/sexuality. i do not feel comfortable disclosing that!

• this account will be run semi-professionally, but in the end this is my account and i do not owe anyone professionalism. thank you!

the following resources are ones i've deemed are both trustworthy and most helpful. please use them if needed!


__lgbtq+ resources__

__bipoc resources__

__neurodivergent resources__

__mental health resources__

__religious resources__

we hope you're having a great day! if you're not, that's okay. things can get better. it may not seem like it sometimes, but they really do. you are loved and cared about. don't ever forget it. if you ever need help, i have resources linked that could be helpful.

• lgbtq+ resources •


> the trevor project

> trans lifeline

> the human rights campaign

> the center

> the point foundation

> howard brown health center

> centerlink

> the genders & sexualities alliance network

> glaad

> pride foundation

> transgender law center

> iglyo

> glbtq legal advocates and defenders

> outright action international

> gay men's health crisis

> astraea lesbian foundation for justice

> sage

> sylvia rivera law project

• bipoc resources •


> latinojustice

> solutions not punishments collaborative(lgbtq+)

> 100 black men of america

> ayuda

> first nations development institute

> equal justice initiative

> the brotherhood/sister sol

> native american rights fund

> asian americans advancing justice

> stand with standing rock

> mexican american legal defense and educational fund

> national urban league

> asia society

> indian residential school survivors society

> uncf

>ella baker center for human rights

> first peoples cultural foundation

> chinese for affirmative action

> the colors youth foundation(lgbtq+)

• neurodivergent resources •


> divergent minds

> autistic inclusive meets

> understood

> communication first

> autistic women & nonbinary network

> additude

> international ocd foundation

> tourettes action

> yellow ladybugs

> made by dyslexia

> ld online

> tourette association of america

> joshprovides epilepsy assistance foundation

> attention deficit disorder association

> ocd-uk

> organization for autism research

> neopronouns guide

• general mental health resources •


> campaign against living miserably

> no panic

> it gets better project(lgbtq+)

> strong minds

> mental health america

> national institute of alcoholism & alcohol abuse

> project santuary

> youngminds

> the jed foundation

> national alliance on mental illness

> american foundation for suicide prevention

> active minds

> to write love on her arms

• disorder specific resources •


> alzheimer's foundation of america

> depression and bipolar support alliance

> national association of anorexia nervosa & associated disorders

> schizophrenia & psychosis action alliance

> ptsd alliance

> rethink mental illness(general disorders)

• religious resources •


> foundation for jewish camp

> muslim charity

> hindu american foundation

> 18 doors(jewish)

> tzu chi foundation(buddhist)

> international society for krishna consciousness

> keshet(jewish/lgbtq+)

> american buddhist sangha

> life for relief and development(muslim)

> hindu charities for america

> hidayah(muslim/lgbtq+)

> lotus outreach(buddhist)

> sikh research institute

> hazon(jewish)

> islamic relief usa